Link Love & Weekend Getaways

Saturday mornings are my favorite, because I get up before J and sip my coffee while getting  caught up on the blogs that I love. The house is quiet and peaceful, the dogs sleeping in their bed while the birds chirp outside before the weekend warriors in the neighborhood drown them out with their power tools.

Then the day starts to creep in and I’m scrambling to weed the gardens so that we can landscape them, because summer is full of weekend getaways and we have a limited window of time to get it all done. Next weekend I’ll be going away to see some family in the Kootenays, and J will be visiting his parents back home, so we’ll have to slave this weekend.

But luckily this moment in time is pre-yard work, so I’m enjoying getting caught up. Here are some of my favorites that I’ve read this weekend:

Chain Links


Andrea from So Over This posted at the beginning of the month 5 Things You Should Never Say to a Depressed Person. I’m shocked that anyone would ever think to say some of these things.

J and I were talking about how much we love our neighborhood earlier this week, so this was a timely post from Outlier Model.

Jordann from My Alternate Life posted about changing her last name in marriage. This is not something I’ll be doing but it’s always nice to see other people’s perspectives.

Bridget from Money After Graduation touches on my favorite thing – shopping, consumerism, and fashion, when she asks whether local is the new luxury.

CBB from Canadian Budget Binder always has interesting posts, but again this one was timely for us as I was just talking about how we should just get a goat so we don’t have to weed the garden so often. Haha! OR, according to CBB we could just rent one.

Kim from Eyes on the Dollar posted Excuses or Choices, which is something I’ve posted about on WLGYL. We all make excuses, but sometimes you just gotta STOP and make a choice.

Kathleen from Frugal Portland interviewed Femme Frugality  so we got to know a bit more about her!

Over at the Great Jolly Hoombah there was discussion about when to pop the bubbly. Always, I say! Celebrate any chance you get!

At Stacking Benjamins, we got some public speaking tips. I like public speaking but I’d like to get better at it, and my list of goals for 2013 includes joining Toastmasters.

L Bee from L Bee and the Money Tree posted about why she hates working from home at One Smart Dollar. I thought I was the only one!

Cat from Budget Blonde posted about avoiding the quarter life crisis, which is probably a good idea since those can be expensive.

6 thoughts on “Link Love & Weekend Getaways

  1. This summer has been busy for us and I’ll be backing away a bit to get back to my real life. It’s easy to get caught up in things you are passionate about but balancing them is the hard part. I thought the goat was interesting because it’s apparently popular in the USA but I couldn’t find anything about it in Canada. I guess we have to buy our goats here and keep them as pets. have a great weekend.

  2. Sounds like you had a great weekend. The way you described your Saturday morning is so beautiful I can also visualize it. I’m looking forward to our family summer getaway as well.

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