3 Effortless Ways to Prepare Your Finances for Retirement

We’re all moving towards retirement – whether we like to think about it or not. And the truth is that if we are not making deliberate moves to create an awesome retirement for ourselves, we probably will not have one.

Here are three things you can do to prepare for retirement.


1. Save More than the Minimum

Saving is a key component to preparing for retirement. To help people with this, many companies have started placing money into people’s 401(k) plan. This is cool, but it can give a person the sense that their retirement is being taken care of for them, and that they don’t need to put a lot of effort into it. Don’t make this mistake!

Find out how much your company is putting into your 401(k) – just so you are aware of what is happening with your finances – and then make it a priority to go above and beyond by adding money to your retirement account(s) on your own. That way, when you get to retirement – yippee! – the minimal retirement experience that your employer helped to create for you will be bolstered by your own contributions.

2. Take Advantage of Employer Match (Programs)

Another way that many employers attempt to help their employees prepare for retirement is with employer match programs. With these programs, employers match the contributions of their employees retirement plan deposits, dollar-for-dollar, up to a set point.

This is fantastic because it is essentially free money, given to you as a reward for making good financial decisions, but it can be confusing because different employers have different programs that vary in terms of how much money they are willing to match. Because of this, it is a great idea to meet with someone in your human resources department to learn how your company’s program works. Once you know how it works, take advantage of it.

3. Retire When You Will Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

Just like with company match programs for retirement plans differing from one company to another, the fees that companies charge when an employee retires early varies. Because of this, when you begin to approach retirement, it is a good idea to find out how the finances of  retirement are affected by retiring at different ages.

If you are at an age where you could retire, but would make more money if you continued to work a few more years and are well and can continue to work, it is a great idea to do so, because the fees for retiring early can be substantial.

So hold on and make sure that you do not short change yourself after working so hard for so long.

Retirement is on its way– get excited! But also get financially responsible so that your retirement experience will reflect how well you save more than the minimum, took advantage of your employers’ match program, and strategically chose when to retire.

3 thoughts on “3 Effortless Ways to Prepare Your Finances for Retirement

  1. Sometimes waiting for “greatest bang for the buck” is overrated. I thought I would go to an article discussing ways to get around the “early withdrawl penalty” for retirement accounts, but it actually discussed private health insurance rates?

  2. I have retired twice now by age 56. Your last item about getting the most bang for the buck is true on a couple of levels. One is if someone works for an entity that has a defined pension plan. Be sure you understand critical calculation dates and full retirement eligibility. Second, if you are in the US and your primary retirement savings is your 401K plan, retiring the year you turn 55 allows withdrawal without penalties within the IRS guidelines. If you are under 55 then no worries you can roll it over to an IRA and possibly fund your retirement without penalty using the SEPP IRA 72t monthly equal distribution plan as detailed by the IRS.

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