Healthy Ingredients Missing From Your Meals That You Should Probably Add

We all know the struggle: you want to eat healthy, but sometimes those healthy meals leave you feeling, well, a little “meh.” But what if we told you there are hidden gems in the grocery store waiting to be discovered? These 14 ingredients are nutritional powerhouses waiting to sneak some major health benefits into your favorite dishes. From gut-boosting wonders to protein-packed surprises, let’s take your meals from bland to brilliant and your health from “fine” to fantastic!

Hemp Seeds

These tiny nutritional powerhouses are packed with protein, healthy fats, and all nine essential amino acids. Sprinkle them on salads or yogurt parfaits, or even blend them into smoothies for a nutty flavor and a plant-based protein boost.

Nutritional Yeast

Don’t be fooled by the name – this deactivated yeast is a cheesy dream come true for vegans! Rich in B vitamins and boasting a slightly cheesy flavor, it adds a savory touch to popcorn, pasta dishes, or roasted vegetables.

Miso Paste

This fermented soybean paste is a staple in Japanese cuisine, but its benefits extend far beyond miso soup. Miso adds a unique depth of flavor to marinades, salad dressings, and even glazes for salmon or tofu. Plus, it’s a good source of probiotics for gut health.

Chia Seeds

These tiny black seeds are a true superfood. They’re high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and can absorb up to 10 times their weight in water. Toss them into oatmeal for a pudding-like texture, add them to baked goods for extra fiber, or create a refreshing chia seed water drink.


This blue-green algae might look intimidating, but don’t let its color fool you! Spirulina is a complete protein source, rich in antioxidants and iron. Blend it into smoothies for a vibrant green color and a nutritional boost, or sprinkle it on avocado toast for a unique twist.


This fermented Korean staple is more than just a spicy side dish. Kimchi is loaded with probiotics, vitamins, and beneficial bacteria that contribute to gut health. Enjoy it alongside grilled meats, add it to fried rice for a fiery kick, or use it as a flavor bomb in stews and soups.

Sprouted Lentils

Sprouted lentils take regular lentils to the next level. The sprouting process increases their digestibility and nutrient content, making them a great protein, fiber, and iron source. Enjoy them in salads and curries, or even create veggie burgers with their hearty texture.

Black Garlic

Regular garlic is a kitchen essential, but black garlic takes things up a notch. Slowly fermented over a long period, black garlic boasts a sweet, smoky flavor with a soft, jelly-like texture. It elevates mashed potatoes, adds depth to stir-fries, or can be enjoyed on its own as a gourmet treat.


This ancient grain is a powerhouse of nutrients. Made from durum wheat harvested while still green, freekeh offers a nutty flavor and chewy texture. Substitute it for couscous in your favorite recipes, use it in pilaf dishes, or add it to salads for a complex flavor and extra fiber.


These immature soybeans are a complete protein source, packed with fiber and good fats. Enjoy them steamed and sprinkled with sea salt as a healthy snack, toss them into stir-fries for a pop of color, or even blend them into dips for a creamy, protein-rich base.

Flaxseed Meal

This finely ground powder is a treasure trove of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lignans (plant compounds with potential health benefits). Add a spoonful to your morning oatmeal, mix it into baked goods for extra fiber, or use it as an egg substitute in vegan recipes.

Goji Berries

These ruby-red berries are a natural source of antioxidants and vitamins. Enjoy them dried as a healthy snack, add them to trail mix for a chewy texture, or rehydrate them and incorporate them into yogurt parfaits or oatmeal for a burst of sweetness and antioxidants.

Nutritional Yeast Flakes

These deactivated yeast flakes are a great source of B vitamins and boast a cheesy, nutty flavor. Sprinkle them on popcorn for a cheesy twist, use them as a vegan Parmesan substitute on pasta dishes, or add them to roasted vegetables for a savory and umami punch.

Biggest Lessons People Learn When They Turn 60

Turning 60 is not just a milestone birthday; it’s a treasure trove of wisdom and realizations. By this age, most have navigated through various ups and downs, accumulating a wealth of insights. Whether it’s embracing simplicity or valuing connections more deeply, each lesson serves as a guide to living a more fulfilling life. And so, we’ve compiled some of the most invaluable learnings that often come into clear focus at the big six-zero.

Family Over Everything

By the time the 60th birthday rolls around, it’s crystal clear that family isn’t just important; they’re everything. And really, isn’t it about time? Many find that spending time with loved ones brings more joy than accumulating possessions. Studies suggest strong family ties can increase lifespan and improve overall happiness, making family time crucial.

The Art of Saying No

At 60, you realize it’s perfectly okay to decline invitations or responsibilities that don’t bring you joy or align with your values. Oh, the freedom! Making choices for your well-being is more valuable than always pleasing others. Assertiveness can lead to higher self-esteem and lower stress levels, which are essential for peace of mind.

Health Is True Wealth

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but now it really hits home. Maintaining good health is crucial because everything else becomes more challenging to enjoy without it. Regular check-ups and exercise become essential companions. Better health ensures that the quality of life remains strong for years to come.

Simplifying Is Satisfying

Downsizing and decluttering aren’t just trends; they’re lifestyle changes that simplify life. Letting go of excess possessions can feel liberating and allow more room for meaningful experiences. A clutter-free environment leads to a clear mind, enhancing focus and productivity. With fewer distractions, there’s time to cherish what truly matters.

Lifelong Learning

Just because you’re 60 doesn’t mean the learning stops. Picking up new skills or hobbies keeps the brain active and delays cognitive decline. Even learning small things like cooking a new dish or speaking basic phrases in another language helps keep the mind sharp. At this age, knowledge is a rewarding adventure.

Friendships Are Priceless

The value of old friends becomes abundantly clear. These folks have stood by you through thick and thin. Nurturing these relationships is heartwarming and vital to mental health. Moreover, a strong social network can improve the quality of life, so investing in friendships pays dividends.

Financial Freedom Feels Great

By 60, the importance of financial security is undeniable. It’s not about being rich but feeling secure enough to enjoy life. Having a budget and savings plan can relieve stress, especially if unexpected expenses arise. Taking steps now provides peace of mind for the future.

Patience Is a Virtue

You realize that patience truly is a virtue, and rushing through life gets you nowhere fast. Taking things slow often leads to better results and less stress. It’s about enjoying the journey, not just the destination. Who says slow and steady can’t win the race?

Regrets Are a Waste of Time

You learn that dwelling on past mistakes is a major time-waster. Focusing on the present and future is more productive. Everyone has regrets, but they don’t have to define you. Moving forward with purpose brings greater fulfillment than lamenting yesterday’s missteps.

The Beauty of Routine

Establishing a daily routine brings unexpected comfort and efficiency. While it sounds boring, predictability frees up time for the fun stuff. Even simple habits like daily walks or evening tea can be comforting. Finding solace in routine helps keep life grounded.


You come to accept yourself fully, imperfections and all. Self-acceptance is liberating, allowing you to live authentically. No more beating yourself up over mistakes or perceived shortcomings. Embracing who you are is a powerful confidence booster.

The Power of Adaptability

Life throws curveballs, no matter your age, and being adaptable is critical to overcoming challenges. Pivoting and adjusting plans is crucial for staying resilient. Letting go of rigid expectations opens up new possibilities. A flexible approach brings peace and creativity.

Joy in the Small Things

Happiness often comes from the smallest moments—like a cup of coffee in the early morning. It’s the little pleasures that make life rich and full. Appreciating small joys every day makes life more colorful. They’re the hidden gems that make each day special.

Time Is Precious

Time is the most valuable asset and becomes a guiding principle. Wasting it feels more painful, so making meaningful choices matters. Spending time on what’s fulfilling is crucial, whether that’s loved ones, hobbies, or volunteering. Living with intention makes every moment count.

The Importance of Self-Care

Finding balance is crucial for maintaining joy. Therefore, taking care of your mental and physical well-being is non-negotiable. Exercise, meditation, or simply reading a good book are essential practices. Self-care ensures you can be your best for yourself and others.

15 Pieces of Advice Old People Would Give to Their Younger Selves

Take a moment to picture yourself, years from now, sitting in a comfy chair with a lifetime of stories etched on your face. Now, imagine all the things you’d whisper back to your younger self if you could only hop in a time machine. Well, guess what? You don’t need a fancy machine; we reached out to seasoned citizens who have spilled the tea, sharing 15 golden nuggets of advice that will have you saying, “Wait, can I write this down?!”

Travel While You’re Young and Able

A 2023 AARP survey revealed that 72% of retirees regretted not traveling more in their youth. Travel broadens horizons, creates lasting memories, and is often easier to manage before settling down with careers and families.

Invest Early and Often

The power of compound interest is a beautiful thing. A 2022 study showed that starting to invest even a small amount in your 20s can lead to a significantly larger nest egg by retirement.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Life is full of minor inconveniences, but according to research by the University of California, Riverside, focusing on the negative can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Learn to let go of the small stuff and focus on what truly matters.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks

A 2020 study by Harvard Business School found that calculated risks are essential for growth and success. Stepping outside your comfort zone can lead to exciting opportunities and personal breakthroughs.

Nurture Your Relationships

A 2023 study published in the journal “Psychology and Aging” found that strong social connections are key to happiness and well-being throughout life. Invest time and effort in building and maintaining meaningful relationships with loved ones.

Prioritize Your Health

A staggering 87% of respondents in a recent Mayo Clinic survey wished they had taken better care of their health when they were younger. Healthy habits established early in life can have a positive impact for decades to come.

Learn to Say No

Feeling overwhelmed? A 2019 study by the University of California, Berkeley suggests that setting boundaries and politely declining requests can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Social media can create a distorted picture of reality. A 2022 study by the University of Texas found that comparing yourself to others online can lead to feelings of inadequacy and envy. Focus on your own journey and celebrate your unique accomplishments.

Develop a Growth Mindset

Believing in your ability to learn and grow is crucial for success. A 2018 Stanford University study highlighted the importance of a “growth mindset” in fostering resilience and perseverance.

Find Your Passion

Life is too short to be stuck in a job you hate. A 2021 survey by LinkedIn revealed that 80% of professionals would choose a career they’re passionate about over a higher-paying job they dislike. Explore your interests and find work that fulfills you.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Nobody knows everything. A 2020 Society for Human Resource Management study found that employees who ask for help are often perceived as more competent and collaborative. Don’t be afraid to seek guidance when you need it.

Embrace Change

Life is full of unexpected turns. A 2023 study by the University of Chicago found that adaptable and resilient people tend to cope better with life’s challenges. Learn to navigate change with an open mind and a positive attitude.

Live in the Moment

Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. A 2019 study published in the journal “Mindfulness” suggests that practicing mindfulness can help you savor the present moment and reduce stress.

Forgive Yourself (and Others)

Holding onto grudges only hurts you. A 2022 study by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley found that forgiveness can lead to improved mental and physical health. Let go of negativity and embrace the power of forgiveness.

Never Stop Learning

The human brain is a fascinating muscle that thrives on stimulation. A 2021 study by the National Institutes of Health found that lifelong learning can improve cognitive function and keep your mind sharp well into old age. Never stop exploring and expanding your knowledge.