15 Real Facts About Squirrels Everyone Should Know

Scampering up trees, flashing their bushy tails, and burying secret stashes of acorns – squirrels are a familiar sight in parks and backyards. But beneath their fuzzy exterior lies a world of surprising intelligence, quirky adaptations, and fascinating feats. Here are 15 nutty facts about squirrels that will make you look at these acrobatic rodents in a whole new light:

Built-in Breakneck Brakes

Have you ever wondered how squirrels manage those gravity-defying leaps without splattering on the pavement? The secret lies in their remarkable tails. These furry appendages act as counterbalances, allowing squirrels to adjust their direction in mid-air and brake for a safe landing.

Champions of Cache

A squirrel’s memory for hidden nuts is legendary. They can bury hundreds of acorns and seeds, remembering the location of each one even months later—even under a blanket of snow! Scientists believe squirrels have a mental map of their stashes, using visual landmarks and spatial memory for retrieval.

Secret Languages and Ninja Naps

Squirrels communicate with a complex series of chatters, barks, and even flicks of their tails. These vocalizations warn others of danger, signal mating availability, and even express frustration. Plus, squirrels can take power naps lasting mere minutes, keeping them alert and agile throughout the day.

Swimming Squirrels? You Betcha!

While not exactly aquatic masters, some squirrel species, like the fox squirrel, are surprisingly adept swimmers. Their bushy tails can act as makeshift rafts, and their powerful hind legs propel them through the water with surprising speed.

Thwarting the Acorn Thieves

Acorns are a precious food source for squirrels, and they’ve developed clever strategies to protect their stashes. One trick? They’ll deliberately bury fake acorns – minus the tasty nut inside – to confuse potential thieves like jays and chipmunks.

Winter Whiskers, Super Senses

As winter approaches, squirrels grow longer and thicker whiskers. These facial sensors act like tiny thermometers, helping them navigate through snow and locate buried food sources by detecting subtle temperature and air pressure changes.

Squirrel Skyscrapers – Architectural Acrobats

Squirrel nests, called dreys, are marvels of engineering. Carefully constructed from leaves, twigs, and even moss, these intricate woven spheres are built high up in tree branches, offering protection from predators and the elements.

Tails that Talk

A squirrel’s tail isn’t just for balance. The way they hold their tail communicates a lot. A twitchy tail might signal nervousness, while a held-high tail can indicate dominance or confidence.

The Great Escape – Houdinis of the Wild

Squirrels are escape artists extraordinaire. Their flexible bodies and small size allow them to squeeze through surprisingly tight spaces, making them a constant challenge for homeowners with pesky attic invaders.

Built-in Winter Gear

As the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, squirrels don’t hibernate. Instead, they undergo a physiological change called “brown fattening.” Their bodies convert brown fatty tissue into energy, keeping them warm and active throughout the winter.

Squirrel Olympics – Leaping Wonders!

Squirrels are champions of jumping. The Eastern gray squirrel can launch itself a distance of up to 10 times its body length – that’s like a human jumping the length of a football field!

The Great Acorn Debate – Planters or Plunderers?

Squirrels bury acorns, but do they always come back to eat them? Interestingly, research suggests they often forget about some of their stashes. These forgotten acorns end up germinating, with squirrels unintentionally helping to reforest areas.

Squirrel Speak 101 – Decoding the Chatter

Scientists are starting to decipher the complex language of squirrels. Research suggests their vocalizations have distinct meanings, with different calls used to warn of predators, find mates, and even identify specific individuals.

Not All Squirrels are Created Equal

There are over 270 species of squirrels worldwide, each with unique adaptations and behaviors. From the palm-sized African pygmy squirrel to the giant Indian flying squirrel that glides through the air, the squirrel family is a diverse and fascinating bunch.

Squirrels and Us – A Complex Relationship

Squirrels can be both backyard nuisances and captivating observers of nature. Understanding their intelligence, resilience, and complex social behaviors can foster a newfound appreciation for these furry acrobats that share our urban and rural landscapes.

12 Well-Meaning Pieces of Advice That Are Actually Offensive

Navigating well-meaning advice can be tricky, as it sometimes comes across as offensive, irrespective of the intentions. Comments like “just have positive thoughts” or “get a real hobby” may aim to help but often invalidate personal experiences. Comprehending the effects of your words is critical for honest support.

Everything Happens for A Reason

Telling someone that everything happens for a reason is an attempt to comfort them. It implies there’s a hidden good in every challenge they face. However, it actually means you are invalidating the pain or hurdle they are facing. You run the risk of sounding dismissive rather than supportive.

Just Be Positive

You may try to uplift your friend by telling them to be positive when they seem hopeless. You’ll be encouraging them to be optimistic and ignore the negatives. What you don’t know is that you’re minimizing their genuine emotions. Empathy requires you to understand and validate these emotions.

You Should Try Losing Some Weight

Too much weight is a health risk, and a true friend would be concerned when it increases. Despite your genuine concerns, you may sound judgmental. It implies that you don’t accept them as they are, denting their self-esteem. This advice is rarely as helpful as providing support.

You Should Smile More

While this advice backfires, it is often aimed at uplifting the recipient’s spirits. It’s perceived as a message that the recipient is less pleasant in their current state. This makes you controlling and dismissive at the same time. Focus more on offering genuine kindness.

You Should Discipline Your Child More Effectively

Children can be annoying, and their behavior may have you questioning the parenting approach. Make no mistake about telling a parent to be more effective in their discipline approach. This is outright judgment and a vote of no confidence in their parenting style. Supporting and respecting varied strategies prevents such.

You’ll Find Someone Eventually

Showing concern when you believe that someone deserves companionship is absolutely fine. Telling them that they’ll eventually find someone offers hope for a better future. However, the message you are sending is that the person is inadequate and needs someone to fit in. This is minimizing their struggle with loneliness.

You Need to Communicate Better with Your Partner

You may suggest to someone that they communicate better to add spice to your relationship. This backfires sometimes and makes you sound critical of their fault, which may further strain the connection. This advice can feel accusatory and unhelpful. Instead, encourage mutual understanding to establish quality, blameless communication.

You Should Stop Spending Money On Non-Essentials

Poor financial decisions by people around you would concern you, hence the need to advise them. Your need to change this may backfire and make it look like labeling someone as irresponsible. It’s offensive, and it assumes their priorities aren’t right. Suggesting budgeting tips or sharing experiences is more supportive.

You Should Pursue a More Practical Major/Career

You should always encourage people to go for high-quality objectives in the professional sphere. Encouraging someone to aim higher in this way aims to secure their future but undermines their passions. It implies their current choice lacks value, which is disheartening. You unintentionally dismiss their dreams for your own interests.

Time Heals All Wounds; You’ll Get Over It Eventually

This remains one of the most insensitive advices one could get at their lowest. While you may believe that you’re offering comfort, it actually means you care less about their feelings and can’t wait for them to get over them. Offering empathy and a listening ear is far more supportive.

Just Have Positive Thoughts, And You’ll Feel Better

With this, you intend to uplift the spirits of the recipient. It reminds them that positive thinking eliminates negative feelings and guarantees better days. The reality is that you are dismissing real emotions and struggles, thereby invalidating them. This advice minimizes real issues. Practically possible solutions are a better approach.

You Should Get a Real Hobby Instead

Advising someone to get a real hobby instead aims at promoting productive engagements during free time. While it is well-meaning, it suggests their current interests lack value, which hurts. This advice dismisses personal passions. Suggesting new adventures and being supportive of discovering new interests.

15 Frozen Foods That Are Sadly Discontinued

Discontinued frozen foods often evoke a mix of fond memories and longing. Favorites like Kraft Frozen Macaroni and Cheese, Trader Joe’s Arugula Pizza, and Kid Cuisine Deep Sea Adventure dinners once graced freezers with their unique flavors and convenience. These beloved items catered to busy families, health-conscious foodies, and kids, making their absence deeply felt.

Marie Callender’s Herb Roasted Chicken Dinner

Marie Callender’s Herb Roasted Chicken Dinner was a beloved frozen meal. Savory herb-seasoned chicken with a side of vegetables won many fans. Popular among busy professionals, it offered a comforting homemade taste. Discontinuation left many disappointed, likely due to evolving consumer preferences or corporate cost-saving measures.

Eggo Waf-fulls

Mornings were brighter with Eggo Waf-fulls, a unique waffle treat filled with tasty fillings like strawberry or maple syrup. Busy families loved them for quick breakfasts. Kids and adults enjoyed the crispy exterior and sweet, gooey center. Discontinuation left fans longing for that convenient and delicious morning option.

Klondike’s Choco Taco

The Choco Taco was a cherished frozen treat from Klondike. It featured a waffle cone shaped like a taco, filled with ice cream, and covered in a chocolate shell. Loved by kids and nostalgic adults, its discontinuation likely stemmed from changing market trends, leaving fans craving its sweet crunch.

Jello Pudding Pops

Creamy and delicious, Jello Pudding Pops were a favorite among kids and some adults. Available in chocolate and vanilla flavors, these frozen treats brought joy to many. Their withdrawal was likely due to changing consumer tastes and market competition, leaving a sweet void in freezer aisles.

Morton Twinkie Supper

The Morton Twinkie Supper was an odd frozen meal, combining a TV dinner with a Twinkie dessert. Loved by children in the ’70s and ’80s, it offered a fun, convenient meal. It likely disappeared due to evolving tastes and healthier eating habits, causing a void in the freezer section.

Kirkland Signature Frozen Four-Cheese Ravioli

Filled with a delicious mix of cheeses, Kirkland Signature Frozen Four-Cheese Ravioli was a beloved convenience meal. Busy families and cheese lovers enjoyed its quick preparation and rich taste. It likely vanished due to shifting consumer demands and production changes, creating a gap in Costco’s frozen offerings.

Libbyland Frozen Dinners

Libbyland Frozen Dinners were an unconventional ’70s hit, featuring meals like Pirate Picnic and Safari Supper. Kids adored these fun, themed dinners. Known for their colorful packaging and playful names, they brought excitement to mealtime. Their unique approach made them a memorable part of many childhoods.

Care Bears Waffles

Brightly colored and fun, Care Bears Waffles delighted children in the ’80s with bear-shaped goodness. Parents appreciated the quick breakfast option, while kids loved the fun shapes and flavors. They probably vanished due to changing breakfast trends and marketing shifts, creating a fond memory for many who enjoyed them.

Flintstones Push-Up Pops

Flintstones Push-Up Pops were fruity frozen treats loved by kids in the ’90s. Featuring colorful sherbet in a push-up tube, they made snacking fun. Their distinct design and tastes were popular, but market changes and new products likely caused their exit, creating a sweet spot in childhood memories.


Trader Joe’s Speculoos Cookie Butter Cheesecake Bites

Creamy and delicious, Trader Joe’s Speculoos Cookie Butter Cheesecake Bites were a hit among dessert lovers. Combining rich cheesecake with a spiced cookie butter swirl, they were a delightful treat. Lacking significant nutrients, these bites focused on indulgence, and their departure saddened many fans.

Kraft Frozen Mac and Cheese

Kraft Frozen Mac and Cheese offered a quick and comforting meal loved by busy families and college students. This convenient dish contained carbohydrates, protein, and some calcium, making it a filling option. Its exit from the shelves left fans searching for an equally satisfying frozen mac and cheese alternative.

Kid Cuisine Deep Sea Adventure

Shaped like fish, Kid Cuisine Deep Sea Adventure meals were a favorite among children. These fun, ocean-themed dinners offered protein, carbohydrates, and some vitamins. They made mealtime exciting but likely disappeared due to shifting dietary trends, making kids and parents reminisce about their playful and convenient nature.

Swanson International TV Dinners

Swanson International TV Dinners brought global flavors to American households. Popular in the ’70s and ’80s, they offered a culinary adventure with meals like Mexican or Chinese entrees. These dinners combined convenience with a taste of international cuisine, making their absence a memorable loss in frozen food history.

Trader Joe’s Arugula Pizza

Health-conscious foodies loved Trader Joe’s Arugula Pizza for its fresh arugula and cheese mix. This gourmet frozen pizza provided a distinct twist on the traditional pie, appealing to busy professionals and pizza enthusiasts. Its balanced flavors and easy preparation made it a memorable favorite that many miss.

Kraft Frozen Macaroni and Cheese Meal

Busy families and college students appreciated Kraft Frozen Macaroni and Cheese Meals for their convenience and comfort. This quick and creamy dish contained carbohydrates and protein, making it a filling option. Its easy preparation and classic taste make it a staple that many miss in their frozen meal lineup today.