Top 6 Tips to Save on Glasses

Here are 6 easy tips to help you save money when out shopping for glasses. They are all pretty easy to follow and can save you anywhere between $20 to as much as $100, depending on what type of
frame or lenses you are trying to buy.

  • Buy online

This tip can’t be stressed enough. Online stores for glasses simply have the best prices. Their prices are often shockingly cheaper than what you will find in retail stores at the mall. Online stores have also come to specialize in express glasses, meaning that you will receive your glasses in just a day. If you are visiting an online store to buy, make sure that they are an express glasses store.

  • Buy just the frames

If you lenses are still good and you just need to change out the frames, you must do exactly that. Don’t throw out your lenses. Instead, shop for cheap glasses frames and have your old lenses installed on them. You obviously have to pick frames that will be able to house your lenses but chances are that you will have at least a dozen frames to choose from, no matter what lens you wear.

  • Price match using online quotes

You can walk into a glasses store in the mall and show them an online store that is selling a certain frame for less than what the store is selling it for. If the staff are convinced that the online store is a legitimate store and the frame is indeed the same as what they have in the showroom, they will gladly give you a price match. A lot of people have been able to knock off as much as 20%, 30% or sometimes even more, using online price quotes. You can certainly try the same.

  • Never pay for repairs

Many glasses stores offer free repairs and adjustments, especially if such repairs and adjustments are minor. This is especially true if you have been a customer of that store. Call up a few glasses stores and ask them if they will charge for minor repairs like lens tightening or frame tightening and you will be surprised to hear that they don’t charge anything at all. This obviously saves you money.

  • Use Vision Insurance

Go through your health insurance plan to see if it includes a vision insurance clause. If there is such an option, you must make use of the insurance benefit. Just make sure you buy your glasses from stores that work with insurance plans. While you will stay pay for a deductible, using insurance for purchasing your glasses can bring down your cost of buying glasses by as much as 80% to 90%. If you think you will need glasses for the rest of your life, it makes sense to upgrade your health insurance with a vision cover, so it includes vision insurance.

  • Hunt before you buy

Glasses is one industry where prices can be very, very different, from store to store, even in the same mall! It is not uncommon for one store to sell a pair of designer frames for $500 while another store sells the same for $350. As a thumb rule, you must shop at least 3 stores or look up 3 online stores before you actually buy your glasses.

Is Invisalign Worth the Cost?

orthodontist-287285_640When it comes to investing in your teeth, the cost of dental procedures can be daunting. Many procedures, such as braces, are a large investment that can end up costing thousands of dollars. When it comes to correcting the alignment of your teeth, Invisalign comes at a similar, but slightly higher cost than traditional braces, which brings up the question: is Invisalign worth the added investment?  Woodbridge dentist Dr. Taheri offers some insight to help you decide.

Traditional braces are constructed of metal wires and brackets attached to the teeth that are gradually tightened to adjust the bite and alignment over time. The process is monitored closely by a dentist to ensure that the procedure goes smoothly and the braces cause minimal damage on the teeth.

However, we all can remember back to our days in middle school and the metallic smiles of our classmates. Metal braces, while slightly cheaper than Invisalign, are unsightly, and bulky. The frames themselves are attached to the teeth with cement to ensure their movement, which can cause slight enamel damage to the teeth over time. On top of this, brushing and flossing with traditional braces can be a challenge, often leading to yellowed, poorly-cared for teeth.

After the braces are removed, a retainer may be required to prevent further shifting of the teeth, and whitening treatments may be needed to remove the stains left behind by the braces themselves. Along with all of this, traditional metal braces are prone to losing their wires, causing irritation to the walls of the mouth and potentially damaging the patient’s gums in the process. While traditional braces typically cost $2,000 less than Invisalign, they pose their own set of issues down the road.

Invisalign braces are made up of a series of clear retainers specially fitted to gradually move the teeth into their optimal position. They can be used for minor or more serious tooth adjustments, and as such the price of the treatment depends on the severity of the tooth misalignment. On average, Invisalign braces cost between $3,500 and $8,000 dollars, depending on the dentist who is prescribing the treatment and the severity of the tooth misalignment.

While this seems like a daunting price at first, it is important to note that many insurance companies cover Invisalign braces at the same levels as metal braces, which can significantly cut down the cost of the treatment depending on your insurance plan. On top of this, Invisalign braces are much less damaging to the surface of the teeth, as they are simply a clear retainer worn through a majority of the day. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign does not interfere with normal brushing and flossing routines, leading to cleaner, more consistent dental hygiene.  And like the name implies, Invisalign is almost completely invisible, meaning they are perfect for adults who wish to adjust their teeth without interfering with their smile.

As with any dental procedure, it is important to consult your dentist to see if the treatment is right for you, as well as to discuss potential costs and concerns about the treatment itself. While Invisalign is slightly more pricey than traditional braces, it comes with its own set of benefits that may be worth the investment in the long run.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

3741098198_b1a371d442_zCar accidents are stressful and no one wants to think about getting into one. However, it’s still best that you prepare and plan ahead so you will know what you should deal with if you get involved with a collision. It can be quite scary but it’s still considered another financial transaction.

Here are several steps you should keep in mind if this happens:

Always Have Auto Insurance

Be covered with auto insurance before it happens.

Auto insurance policies aren’t exactly an exciting read but you will need to know what’s in yours. A lot of people don’t know the clause of their policies and would assume that all aspects are covered at all times. It’s essential that you read even the small print as the state laws vary. You will want to know what are the protections for you, especially if the other party involved will not have an insurance coverage.

Ensure that you have your insurance information with you – provider’s name, phone number, and policy number – both in your glove compartment and in your wallet, just in case the glove compartment gets damaged in the accident. It’s also a good idea to invest in a dash cam for proper documentation, just in case.

Check for Injuries

Check yourself first for injuries, make sure everyone involved is okay and then call the police. This is the first thing you’d want to do.

Call 911 if there are any injuries and if you are seriously injured, don’t move and wait for emergency respondents. If you are involved in only a minor accident, you should call the police. You won’t know how things will turn out and a police report will provide an official record of the accident.

Be aware of the laws in your state – if it’s just a minor accident, police officers may not arrive at the scene due to limited resources. If you will be in this situation, you can exchange policies and gather important information such as contact numbers with the other person involved in the fender bender for the insurance claim process.

Call Your Insurance Company

Call your insurance company as soon as possible and gather information for easier claim process. You should call regardless of the severity of the accident. The sooner your insurance knows, the better. Call within the day if you can. When possible, take photos including the surrounding area, the damages to the vehicle involved and traffic signs. This can provide great assistance in handling your claim.

Don’t Settle Right Away

After a car accident, it’s possible that the other driver’s insurance company may contact you and try to get you to sign a release of any claims you may have. They might even offer you money to entice you to sign the release. You should wait until you have been fully evaluated and have been cleared by a medical professional before signing anything the insurance company will put in front of you. Your doctor can help you determine how long you should wait out for any possible injuries that may manifest later on. If you sign the release and then an injury shows up later on in connection with the accident, you cannot go back to the insurance company to ask them to pay for your medical expenses. You have already waived your legal rights to pursue compensation once you have signed that waiver.

If you have suffered significant or extensive injuries after the car accident or if you want to make sure your claims process go smoothly, you will want to talk to experienced injury lawyers to assist you with the car accident claim.