3 Good Changes in the World of Credit Cards

The world of credit cards is changing all the time

The offers that credit card companies present to potential customers change from year to year. Sometimes offers seem beneficial initially, but turn out to be disappointing or useless.

Over the past several years, credit card companies have grown wiser about the sorts of offers that consumers use and enjoy.



In a bid to collect more customers, credit card companies have changed in 3 ways that benefit the customer this year.

More Credit Options for Those Who Want Them

Credit card companies are offering more credit this year than they did last year. They are targeting 7% more creditworthy individuals by mail.

In addition to seeing an increased amount of credit card offers, creditworthy people are facing a larger amount of options.

With each new card, customers are presented with incentives that are different from one company to the next, and rates growing more attractive the more creditworthy the person is.

So if you are in the market for a new credit card, or if you are simply looking to see if you could get a better deal than the one you are currently getting, this is a great time to see what is out there in the world of credit.

Less Nickel and Diming in the Process

Over the last decade, it was being increasingly common for credit card companies to recommend that customers sign up for heaps of add on products and services that they would pay for monthly or annually.

Products like theft production and services like the company covering monthly payments if the customer were to lose their job, seemed like a great idea, but the terms of these offers resulted in legal actions.

In addition to court cases, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has stepped in and altered the way that these services can be marketed.

As a result, customers probably won’t see these products and services when they sign up for cards.

New Rewards for a Good Fit

Credit card companies are offering new types of rewards, because rewards have become a major attractor of new customers.

In addition to airfare to allow you to travel hack, and gift cards, credit card companies are now offering perks such as gas, electronic gadgets, or perks at your favorite stores. So if you’re not interested in airfare, then don’t get or hold on to a card that offers that as it’s major perk.

Look at the offers coming in the mail or available at your favorite financial institutions and find cards that offer rewards that you can benefit from in your everyday life to choose your card.

In a bid to attract more customers, credit card companies are offering more credit, they’re nickel and diming customers less, and they are offering new rewards to better fit the needs and desires of the people who use their cards.

If you are in the market for a new card, or if you’re interested in seeing if you can find a better deal than the one you currently have, this is a great time to see what the world of credit has to offer.

What made you choose the credit cards you have chosen?

3 Sources of Totally Free Entertainment

In the modern world, we are surrounded by businesses and people who want us to buy stuff. Whether it be physical businesses or sellers we encounter online, the possibilities for spending money that we are faced with each day really add up. And so do the purchases – even if they’re just $.99. So, what can be done to find entertainment without breaking the bank? Better yet, where can you find entertainment that is completely free? Here are three sources of online entertainment that require just a computer and internet access. 

Please note these are based on the user being located in the United States… some countries won’t be able to download or stream media from some websites! 

how to have fun for free

Hulu and network websites

If you’re not ready to subscribe to the likes of Netflix or Amazon Prime, Hulu makes for a great, free alternative for recently released TV shows. Many of the shows that you can find one of the subscription services (Hulu has a subscription version called Hulu Plus that grants you access to additional content) are available on Hulu, and typically you can view some of the most recent episodes for free.

Many networks also release free episodes of their programs, such as NBC, ABC, and TBS. Just head to the site and click on the “Full Episodes” link.

Free e-books and audiobooks

If you’re looking to get the greatest bang for your I’m-not-going-to-spend-a-buck, check out the free e-books on the Free E-Books website. Consider how much enjoyment you can get out of a book — the hours upon hours, depending on how quickly you read. And the best thing about this site is that most of the classics are waiting here for you. Also, there are loads of stories by up and coming writers.

You can also head to Books Should Be Free for more free e-books and a pile of audiobooks. The audiobooks are narrated by non-professional readers which can range from entertaining to distracting, or, depending on where you’re from, exotic.

YouTube Channels

In addition to funny, useful videos, YouTube is home to a variety of content channels. There was a big push from YouTube a few years ago to push original content on the site. Though they’ve gotten away from that, there remain lots of original content and channels you can sift through! For technology videos, visit the CNet channel. For comedy, visit College Humor. For thought provoking information, visit Ted. For gaming information, visit Machinima.

So, the next time you find yourself wondering what you can do to entertain yourself for an evening, don’t think that means you have to spend a lot of money. You can find a great book or something to watch without spending any of your hard earned money. So give one of these options a try, and sit back and be entertained by the results.

Could Using Cash Help You Save Money?

The world of currency has changed a great deal over the past several decades.

Gone are the days when it would be typical to see someone writing a check at the check-out counter or counting out change to pay for a major purchase. Here are the days of Debit cards, Credit cards, and even methods of payment that use only a smart phone.

It’s convenient, but that convenience can come at a cost. Using cash as your payment method can actually minimize or totally remove these costs, though. Here are three ways that cash can save you money.

save money use cash

Never incur an overdraft fee again.

We’ve all made the mistake of thinking that there was more money in our account than there really was. Oops! But that financial mistake can be expensive.

 Overdraft fees to the tune of $30 are not unusual, and that can really add up. And every one of your dollars that goes toward an overdraft fee is a dollar that you worked for and will not be able to spend it on anything that you would like to.

If you operate in cash, you can easily see how much money you have, and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Have physical control over your money. 

Using debit or credit cards can make it difficult to stick to a budget, because you do not see your money leaving your account, and going to the places you planned that it would go.

But when you use cash, you can divvy your money up into different sections of your wallet or into envelopes.

Who you are and where you are in your life influences what your sections are, but some general ones are gas, just-for-fun money, rent, and groceries.

Divide your money into these sections then hold yourself to the system. If you plan for your money to go toward something, be sure that it goes there. And once the money is gone, it’s gone.

 Have a physical attachment to your money.

When you make a purchase using a Debit or Credit card, it can be easy to think of the transaction as not really affecting your bank account.

You didn’t actually see any of the money that you work so hard for leave your account, so it doesn’t seem real. But when you use cash, you see exactly how much you have, and how much you will have left after making a purchase.

Many times, if you go into an establishment with cash, planning to make a purchase, you might realize that you would rather hang on to your money than have it disappear into a cash register.

Even though using cash in your everyday life can be less convenient than swiping something plastic, it’s pros outweigh its cons.

Use cash to help you avoid overdraft fees, and tame your money and help it to stay put in your account until you really want to use it.